Review Final Project

To assess, we should know which items is valid and reliable.

Why is it important to know vaidity and reliability? Because with know that, we will know which items is very difficult/ easiest to our students.

To check validity and reliability, we can use Ms. Excel and also SPSS. It is very useful for teacher.


Review FInal Project

I told my friends and my lecturer that I’d done my observation at SD Negeri Kebondowo 02, Kec. Banyubiru, Kab. Semarang.

I observed the fourth grade of this school. The teacher in that class is an old man. He’s about 55 years old, I think. His name is Suprapto. First I entered that classroom, I saw that the class is nice, the floor was made from ceramic, the wall is clean, and they have used whiteboard. Students also wear uniform which was clean and neat. The structure of seats is student who doesn’t too tall sit in front, while the taller will have seat at the back. There is a data bank but it’s not useful, because there was no data.

I came there when he was teaching Indonesian subject about writing uppercase in a paragraph. In that class teaching and learning activities using expository approach, because teacher always explains the material (e.g.: when will they use uppercase, what kind of words that always in uppercase, etc.). During his explanation, just a few students pay attention to him. But, most of them are doing other activities, such as throwing tip-x to other friend, tell some jokes, dancing in his seat, day dreaming, etc. As a result, when he was asking to his students, they can’t answer his question, though it’s easy question. Badly, when teacher give them a task (and the teacher wrote it on the whiteboard using letters), they can’t read his writing.  I just think that “Maybe, it’s bad writing.”

So, teacher should have a lot of method to make his/ her students pay attention to the topic which is discussed (teacher should make the students be active). Moreover, teachers should have good writing if he/ she don’t want to make his/ her students dizzy.

The connection between my observation and theory of behaviorism:

Pavlov said about respondent conditioning. In that theory, he said that through conditioning of a stimulus (when the stimulus given in the same time) the same response will come again and again. Just the same with condition in the class that I’ve observed. When teacher are explaining to students, and students don’t pay attention on him/ her, but the teacher doesn’t give warning, then students will not care to what the teacher talking about.



Review Constructivism


From this material, I found that constructivism is a theory which accent on students or learners rather than teacher. Students build their own knowledge based on their experience. Constructivism also means that the learners find the connection between prior knowledge and new knowledge.

According to constructivism, learning is the result of individual mental construction, whereby the learner learns by dint of matching new against given information and establishing meaningful connections, rather than by internalizing mere factoids to be regurgitate later on.

Here, you can read what is said by some experts about constructivism:

  1. C. Rogers

He said that the constructivist classroom presents the learner with opportunities for “autopoetic” learning with a view helping learners to build on prior knowledge and understand how to construct new knowledge from authentic experience-certainly in view in keeping with his experiential learning.

2. John Dewey

Knowledge emerges only from situation in which learners have to draw them out of meaningful experiences. Students cannot learn by means of rote memorization, they can learn through meaningful activities that induce them to apply concepts or theories.

3. Piaget

His constructivism is premised on his view of the psychological development of children which base on discovery.

4. Bruner

This expert said that learning is a social process, whereby the students construct new concepts based on current knowledge.

Constructivism allows students to take responsibility for their own learning, by framing questions and then analyzing them.

Byrnes (1996) and Arseneau and Rodenburg (1998) contrast objectivist and constructivist approaches of teaching and learning:



Knowledge exist outside of individuals and can be transferred from teacher to students Knowledge has personal meaning. It is created by individual students
Students learn what they hear & read. If a teacher explains abstract concepts well, students will learn those concepts Learners construct their own knowledge by looking for meaning and order; they interpret what they hear, read and see based on their previous leaning and habit. Students who don’t have appropriate backgrounds will be unable to accurately “hear” or “see” what is before them
Learning is successful when students can repeat what was taught Learning is successful when students can demonstrate conceptual understanding


last Friday, I learned about how to measure validity and reliability of test items using Microsoft Excel. I use formula all the time. It rather confusing when I need to sort the data Z-A, because I need to copy it and paste using paste special (It is new for me). anyway, it must be helpful for me when I become a teacher one day, for it can help me to measure are my questions valid or not.

review multiple intelligence

• The multiple intelligence concepts are simple and accessible methods to understand and explain people’s preferred ways to learn and develop.
• Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory was first published in Howard Gardner’s book, Frames of Mind (1983) and quickly became established as a classical model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behavior in education and industry.
Linguistic >> Words and language
Logical – Mathematical >> Logic and numbers
Musical >> Music, sound, rhythm
Bodily – Kinesthetic >>  Body movement control
Spatial – Visual >> Images and space
Interpersonal >> know other people’s feelings
intrapersonal >> Self-awareness

Those 7 types are relatively cut and dried, measurable, we know what they are, what they mean and we can evidence or illustrate them.

Gardner also said that multiple intelligence was not limited into those seven types, but other additional intelligences are rather more complex to be defined.
• Naturalist >> Natural Environment
• Spiritual/ Existential >> Religion and ultimate issue
• Moral >> ethics, humanity, value of life



review teaching assessment *again

Last two weeks, I had learned about how to analyze test items which are in the form of multiple-choice or essay using simple quantitative analysis. We can also do the analysis using computer program, such as excel program or SPSS.
Last week, we talk about using SPSS, unluckily the software cannot be installed in my laptop, so I need to find other kind of SPSS. SPSS is statistical program for social science. It is a kind of program to process some data or mark, and then make certain about the validities or reliabilities in test items. There are some steps to use SPSS.First, open the program. Second, entry data. Third, process the data. The last is output analysis.

memory and learning

Memory and Learning


learning is durable thing and knowledge due to experience.

To learn, we need:

1. Attention

When we are learning, we should pay attention on it. For example when students are in the class, they should pay attention to what is talking by the teacher.

2. Motivation

It consists of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation means that it comes from himself. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation comes from outside of ourselves, such as motivation from family, friends, or maybe a gift when we are success in something.


Memory is an important component of learning. The process allows us to record (encoding), store (short term and long term) and retrieve (to remember again). Here, you can see 3 stage model of learning:

Note: period of short term memory is about 7 digits plus or minus two.


That record talk about education debate. From that record I know that system of education need to be reformed from mass education to homeschooling education. In mass education, teacher give student a lot of material, but most of it is useless for their future. Maybe when it changes to be homeschooling, the materials or subjects will be more useful for student’s future.

Review Kohlberg

Kohlberg was doing experiment in 72 boys.  They were ages 10, 13 and 16 years old. They consist of boys and girls from Chicago, American cities and other countries.
Then, He found 6 stages about Moral development :
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation >>  child believe and do what his/her parent said.
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange >> children recognize that there is not only one right view about something. different individuals might have different views. Example: Mr. X stole a car. For Mr. X maybe it is right view, because he do that to use the money as payment of medical treatment for his wife. But, the government and law will say that it is wrong view, because he did something bad and break the law.
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships >> teens see morality than simple deals. They will do good behavior for their close friends or family.
Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order >> in this stage the respondent concern in society as a whole. They will emphasize on obeying laws, respecting authority, and performing one's duties so that the social order is maintained.
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights >> at stage 5, people begin to think about society in theoretical way. Considering rights and values that society ought to uphold.
Stage 6: Universal Principles >> people stressed in achieved justice

review Psychology of Edu 4


Self Concept

Self concept is one factor which can influence big or low self esteem. Self esteem is a person’s positive or negative feelings of personal value. Self esteem includes cognitive, affective and behavioral components.

In cognitive, there are 3 important concepts:

  1. Self complexity: it refers to how many items make up one’s self esteem
  2. Centrality: refers to the fact that we weight different areas of our selves differently
  3. Domains: work on low domain is effective. There are 8 domains important: school, athletic, social acceptance, physical appearance, behavioral conduct, intelligence, anxiety, happiness, and satisfaction.

In behavioral, people observe their own and then figure out why it happened. People with good self esteem have a self serving bias. It means they have benefit of the doubt even when an objective observer might think that doing is unwarranted. But, people with low self esteem might view themselves in a negative light and self-serving bias works in reverse.

Evaluative self esteem- self esteem comes from comparison between an individual’s actual self concept and ideal self-concept. Example: handsome boy might not believe in himself attractive enough and an unattractive boy might be perfectly at peace with how he looks. So, the latter would have a higher self-esteem in that domain, because his real and ideal were closer.

Baseline versus Barometric Self-Esteem

Self esteem is extremely stable in childhood, but it also fluctuating. A person’s stable sense of self often referred to as baseline self-esteem, while fluctuating sense of self is called barometric self esteem.

Future Sense of Self

People with high self-esteem don’t mean that they will have good behavior. For example, a criminals or gang member have high self esteem. It shows that self esteem is a poor predictor about future. What does differentiate is positive future sense of self. Successful people rate their chances high, but not with prisoners or gang members.

Self-esteem: the real scoop

Having high self-esteem isn’t everything, while having low to moderate self esteem is certainly unhealthy. There are some programs that don’t work to increase self esteem, such as:

  1. All people treated equally
  2. No one is allowed to fail
  3. Competition is rarely done
  4. Feel good about yourself above all else
  5. Children don’t have honor roles

We better not give a lot of praise to our children or students. Better we say “you’ve tried hard” than “you’re smart”.  Thus, he/she not only has an excellent result but they can learn that excellence comes from effort. Acknowledging high achievers is fine but must base on real success. Artificially high self esteem is dangerous, because they don’t want to be criticized, often become angry, and aggressive. Because of that, people must have self control in being able to regulate one’s emotions, impulses, performance patterns and thoughts, has plenty of positive payoff, for individual and society.

Some people doing informal observation to measure campers’ self esteem. But teachers and parents are often not very good in assessing self esteem.


Self esteem is necessary but we must give honest feedback to children based on their real condition.


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  1. know the strengths and weaknesses of the test items, so it can be done about the selection and revision of test items
  2. obtain information about the full specifications about the test items
  3. can immediately find out the problems contained in the item
  4. used as a tool to assess the item that will be stored in a set of questions or question bank
  5. Get information about test items so it is possible to formulate some questions that parallel devices.


Qualitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis is a type of assessment that find discovery which can’t be achieved by using statistical procedures, or other things measurement.

It can be applied in the analysis of civil society, behavior, attitudes or social life.

Technique to analyze using qualitative:

  1. Moderator technique

–          One test item is discussed by some people. They can give their suggestion or criticize the test item. But, use this method take a long time to discuss it.

  1. Panel technique

–          Test item is assessed base on rule of writing test items. Each researcher work by themselves.

Qualitative Analysis emphasis on meaning, reasoning, the definition of a particular situation (in certain contexts), and more research problems relating to daily life. Qualitative approach, more emphasis on the process further than the end result

Quantitative analysis is a type of assessment base on empirical data. There are 2 approaches to do this analysis:

  1. Classical Approach

–          It most use in this era, because it’s more simple than modern approach. Classic approach is the study of the answer of students to improve the quality of items is concerned about.

–          This approach is cheap, can be done in everyday using computer, simple, familiar, and it just needs few samples.

  1. Modern Approach



Different test (uji beda) is an index show how answer choice distinguish clever student (or student with study hard) and low-middle student (or student that not study). It functions are to improve quality of test items base on the empirical data, and to know how far each test items can distinguish the ability of students.

To measure it we can use this formula:

DB = (KA – KB)/ 0.5 x J


DB           : Uji beda (different test)

KA            : clever students who choose the right answers

KB            : low-middle students who choose the right answers

J               : sum of all students


Validity: accuracy measure that is owned by an item to measure what should be measured.

Reliability: measuring instruments ability to provide constant measurement results. It means, when it is tested in other place, it will give constant measurement results.

To measure validity and reliability You can find it on our material. Both, validity and reliability have long way. 😀


  1. Make a lot of question, then it will produce constant measurement results
  2. Give long time for students to do the test
  3. Narrow range about the items difficulty will produce constant results
  4. Connected questions will decrease the constant results
  5. Objective way to give the score.

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